News of our recent Aconcagua expedition
News of our recent Aconcagua expedition
News of our recent Aconcagua expedition
"Click Here" for information about our upcoming Aconcagua expeditions
CHECK OUT NEW PHOTOS AND VIDEO OF SummitClimb’s January Success on Aconcagua!!
Jan 4 - The team who started January 4th 2024 is fine. They are on the way to basecamp. Tomorrow they'll make it to basecamp. Now they're at 3800m at Confluencia, interim camp
December 26 - The team is holding up at camp 2 for 4 nights. It's extremely windy up there now. 70kmh at camp and summit at 125kmh. They can wait until tomorrow then because of their flight they cannot wait any longer
Please check out our archived news from February 2023 below.
15 Feb - February team are now at camp 1
14 Feb - Our February Aconcagua team are getting on great and heading to Camp 1 tomorrow
09 Feb - Our February Aconcagua team are heading for the mountain - good luck team
5 Jan - Team has left Camp 1 yesterday and headed to camp 2 at 5500m for 2 nights. They will endure a storm there which is forecasted for today. Everyone is good and acclimatising well. They hope to summit on 7th or 8th
30 Dec - All memebers have arrived safely in Mendoza and spending a couple of days checking equipment, getting to know each other and enjoying great food before heading off to the mountain
14 Feb - Our team members Jim, Sandra, Tim, and John just summited Aconagua the famous 7-Summit. Congratulations!
Please Check out the Summit View
26 Jan - Please enjoy the recent SUMMIT photos from our Aconcagua Expedition. Congratulations to the Team.
25 Jan - ACONCAGUA TEAM SUMMIT! We are delighted to report that our Aconcagua team reached the summit at 14:30. WELL DONE GUYS More news, photos and videos to follow……
24 Jan - NEWSFLASH… our Aconcagua team are heading for the summit NOW! Please send best wishes for our amazing team including porters, leaders and staff. We will be back with further updates as soon as possible. GOOD LUCK TEAM!
20 Jan : Today the team are at Camp 2. The wind is still high, currently 60/70 kmph in camp. So looking at the weather forecast they plan to summit on the 23rd or 24th. Wish the team luck and we will keep you updated!
20 Jan : The team are still progressing really well and moving up the mountain. They plan to summit on 23rd January. All are in good spirits and hoping the weather is kind for summit day! Watch this space!
17 Jan : The team are moving to Camp 1 today and aim to summit on 23rd as that seems the best summit window due to winds of 115km per hour at the moment.
Aconcagua team. Aconcagua team exercise.
15 Jan : Today our Aconcagua team members are in the National park and walking to Confluencia and will arrive in Plaza de Mulas tomorrow. There is a lot of wind at the summit; 120km wind right now and our team are pushing for the summit around 22nd January. Basecamp connection is limited but the team have 2 Satphones and the guides are constantly feeding back and sending updates.
Jan Update:

24 Jan - from Max: we are at basecamp already. We took loads to 5000m and we are having a rest day tomorrow, then heading up..

Aconcagua Expedition Photos

Team members at the summit of Aconcagua. Summit Time Aconcagua.

The team is on its way back to base camp. They went up to Canada (C1) to help the acclimatization process. High wind at Aconcagua high camp

The team is at Nido de Cóndores, this camp was named after the Condor’s that can be occasionally seen up there.

Feb 11 - The team is on it's way back to Confluencia. Today, after breakfast they went to see Plaza Francia, to get an extraordinary view from ACONCAGUA's South wall (technical route).
Feb 2 - Everyone arrived well at base camp. Now we are recovering energies.Tomorrow, we plan to have a strong breakfast, arrange the loads for the mules and departure around 10hs in pur way back to the Park Entrance. The journey might take from 8-10hs approax. Once the equipment arrives in Los Penitentes we will be ready to return in Mendoza, but first a delicious dinner in Uspallata.
Feb - 1 - Amazing news from our expedition, 22 climbers in the SUMMIT!.
Jan 31 - Tomorrow is THE BIG DAY! We can't wait to be finally there. Can you imagine how it feels?

Come live a new experience in the outdoor world with SummitClimb. Our Aconcagua Expedition team is well at Nido of Condores.

Our friend Sara Susan Hastreiter and Sebastian arrived today at summit in Aconcagua - the Giant of the Americas ! Our team from Aconcagua Expedition is resting today in Plaza de Mulas

Our friend Sara Susan Hastreiter and Sebastian arrived today at summit in Aconcagua - the Giant of the Americas ! Our team from Aconcagua Expedition is resting today in Plaza de Mulas. Our team is safe, tired, resting in Plaza de mulas and despite the weather conditions, everyone was happy to be part of this experience in Aconcagua!. Our team is at 5550m at the Nido de Condores Camp

Photo Andes
Acclimatization hike to camp 2 on Aconcagua. Climbers crossing snow on Aconcagua
26 Feb - Update from Expedition leader: Whole team acclimatising v well@c2 and having fun! winds pretty strong but we expect a weather window on 27th.wish us luck!
20 Feb - We made it to camp 1 today! It is just over 5000m. From up there we could actually see a bit of the Pacific Ocean!!! We took a different route down and had lots of fun! Tomorrow is our rest day and we're aiming for the summit on the 27th. Thanks for following our blog!
18 Feb - We made it to the sunny Plaza de Mulas at 4300m. Our team is doing extremely well. They came up here in only 6 hours (normal is 8 to 9). We're now having a delicious soup and talking about our plans tomorrow. Everyone is happy, healthy and very impressed with the breathtaking landscape we've seen so far! Tomorrow is our rest day and to tell the truth we need it.
One of them is from a fossilised sea shell that Quentin found at 4100m.
Photo Max
22 Jan - Update from Expedition Leader: Summit! At about 3pm yesterday 13 out 14 expedition members reached the summit of Aconcagua
Photo Max.
21 Jan - Update from Expedition Leader: All 14 members at 6000 meters / 19700 foot getting ready for the summit in 6 hours from now. Wish us luck! max
20 Jan - Update from Expedition Leader:
- Team amazingly well.all made it to c2 and will surely make to c3 and summit. tx.max
- We just had a well deserved rest day and are fully acclimatised to push for the summit 28 hours from now.Thanks.Max
19 Jan - Update from Expedition Leader: Team at 5600 meter / 18,400 foot. Weather perfect! All members feeling great. We just had dinner. Will b here for tonight, SUMMIT on 21st.Thanks .Max
14 Jan - Update from Expedition Leader: We finally made it to plaza de mulas. Although almost no one summited lately, weather improved a lot. Our team will have a day rest and start moving loads up the mountain. Everyone has acclimatised well and are enjoying services at Base Camp. Tonight we had Martha's birthday and even prepared a cake. We'll send more news before we move up. Thanks for following out blog at SummitClimb. Max
12 Jan - Update from Expedition Leader: Team at 3400,adapting and doing very well!weather also improving.we'll move to Basecamp tomorrow. Max
HI. Part of the team is already in Mendoza. Chris Wilcox and Tatiana Batalha made it to Mendoza 2 days ago. Heidi, Christian and Carolin got to Mendoza today and they are quite tired from the flight. Now they're even more tired from the 20 ounce steak. We're waiting for the rest of the team tomorrow. We expect the weather to improve from the 13th onwards. Thanks for following the blog.
Team Roster:
January Team
- Chris W.
- Gary E.
- Joseph C.
- Roi N.
- Igor S.
- Marta P.
February Team
- Martin d. B.
- Brett F.